Feb 26, 2025

Please read in parishes on March 2, 2025, or the closest possible date following

To all members of The Diocese of Yukon & our Ecumenical partners.

Greetings in the name of the One who was, who is, and who will always be:

Last evening (Feb 25th), I was privileged to speak at the World Religions Conference here in Whitehorse. The topic this year was Kindness and Kinship. I must say that I haven’t spent much time thinking about kinship. Yet it is my kin - the Community of Faith - whom I love and cherish. Our common bond with The Diocese of Yukon, in which I serve as Bishop, is truly special to me.  I delight in working with you to discover that we are Blessed Beyond Measure.

I was honoured to be elected to this position in May 2019 and consecrated on August 24, 2019. I know I have made some errors, but trust that God has been walking with us every step of the journey and has helped us to correct our way when necessary. We have travelled through COVID together and I believe we are stronger from our experience. I see growth happening in both numbers and relationships with each other and with God.

It is now time for change. As required by Canon, I will retire on my 70th birthday, October 24, 2025. The Executive Committee, including our Chancellor, guided by our canons and in consultation with our Metropolitan, The Most Rev John Stephens, are working hard at deciding the next steps.  We will send out a notice as soon as possible after the March 8th Executive meeting.

As I mentioned above, I don’t think a lot about kin. Yet each of you hearing or reading this letter is truly special to me. Each of you has impacted our collective work, decision-making, growth, challenges, experiences, extreme joys, laughter, successes, and celebration as the family of God. 

Eric and I hope to move to Haines Junction and fill the role of Ministry of Presence there with the folks of St. Christopher’s. It is our plan, and we hope God agrees, to move back to Whitehorse after two years in the Junction.

Over the next few months, I ask that you each help me to finish well. Continue to walk with me, guided by God, to ensure that the next steps for the journey of The Diocese are smooth and life-giving.

I hope to visit each parish once more before retirement. If you have a date in mind, please let me know. Notice it must be other than June 16th to July 21st, when I will attend General Synod and take my holidays.

Thank you to each of you for your commitment to your fellow kin in the Diocese of Yukon. Remember that God has rewarded us with all we need to do Their work, and we are, indeed, Blessed Beyond Measure.

In Christ’s Love,