On-line Services: Although we can now return to in-person worship in our buildings we are still offering pre-recorded services through the Diocesan Facebook page. They will be available on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am but can be watched at anytime after that time.
Senior Care Center Eucharists
Individual Prayer and anointing with oil: is available after the Service at the Communion Rail.
Tuesday Anglican Bible Study: Virtual study via Zoom 7:30 Tuesdays Email for Zoom link info
Tuesday Common Threads Prayer Shawl Ministry at 9:30am to 11:00am. Call Elsa at 393-8005
Wednesday Christ Church Cathedral ACW (Anglican Church Women): Meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2-4pm, Hellaby Hall. All women are welcome.
Wednesday Keep Fit: 10:30 am in Hellaby Hall.
Thursday Table Talk: Thursdays 10am to 11am at A&W. Gather together to read a Bible passage and discuss it. (Christ’s presence in a busy world).
Thursday Choir Practice: Every Thursday 7.30-9pm, in the nave. All are welcome.
Prayer Concern Sheet: at the back of the Church to write your concerns. The Prayer Leader for the day will pick up the sheet before the Service starts. Also, during the week, please inform the office of people in the hospital who need a visit.
Prayer Requests: Tel: (867) 668-5530, or Email: Cathedral Prayer Requests
Food Bank: There are baskets by the Baptismal Font for the collection of items for the Food Bank. The collected items are delivered to the Food Bank on a regular basis.
Messy Church (currently not run): A family-friendly program for everyone with crafts, music, worship, and food. Offered the third Saturday of the month during the school year from 3 to 6 in Hellaby Hall.
Sunday School: Offered Sundays when the Very Rev. Dr. Vincent Fenga is the celebrant.